Salade Nicoise

Serves: 4
Prep time:15mins
Cooking time: 10 mins

2 pack little gem lettuces
125g fine green beans
200g tuna steaks
3 tomatoes, quartered
3 medium size eggs, hard boiled, peeled and quartered
6 anchovy fillets, drained and roughly chopped
10 black olives, stoned
15ml spoon capers, drained

For the dressing
3 tbsp. olive oil
15ml white wine vinegar
salt and pepper
1 tbsp. fresh parsley, roughly chopped


Place the lettuce leaves in the base of a salad bowl.

Cook the green beans in boiling salted water for 2 minutes then refresh under running cold water.

Warm a frying pan over a moderate heat with the a little oil, then season the tuna steaks and fry on both sides for 3 minutes until cooked, then flake into large pieces.
Arrange the beans, tuna, tomatoes, eggs, anchovies, olives and capers on top of the lettuce.

Mix together the dressing ingredients, except the parsley, in a jar and shake well to combine. Drizzle the dressing over the salad and serve immediately, sprinkled with the parsley.