After one or two recent threads, I think I should point out that any discussion of warez products, and their availability in any form, is not appreciated on this board. The comments made make it pretty clear that it is not a legit copies that were being talked about, and no amount of 'nudge-nudge, wink-wink' remarks conceal that.
It is not beyond the bounds of possibility that this kind of discussion could get this board shut down completely, especially if it gets out of hand. Therefore, we draw a clear line in the sand - absolutely no discussion, veiled or otherwise, of warez - and we take the matter seriously.
Make no mistake, we aren't moralising. What any member does on their own PC is their own business, and certainly none of ours. Please just don't even hint at it here. It will, at the least, get the threads deleted.
Note: Discussing the concept of warez, or the issues about copyright, etc, in an academic fashion in General Discussion or Question Time, etc, is fine .... it's the discussion of the ownership or availability or specific products, or how and where to get them, that we will not permit.