Soup is great for it's simplicity or complexity.. your choice.

Many of us make it often, and sometimes it works so well you smile with every mouth full.

Well, here's the one that did it for myself and small family recently.
1 onion, 1 stock celery, 1 carrot and one clove of garlic, and a sprinkle of chilli flakes (if you don't like chilli, dont use it)... chopped fine, sweated gently in butter and oil so it fried soft but not cooked.

Boil kettle and stir 2 chicken stock cubes into 1 pint of boiling water... we will use a tad more boiling water later.
Pour this stock into the sweated vegetables

(normally at this point a tin of tomatoes goes in.. but not this time. No toms.)

I put a handful of fresh oregano, same of marjoram and some thyme... it's what grows in my garden.. but you can use dried, and what ever herbs YOU like. Plus 2 bay leaves.

I took enough raw spaghetti for 2 people if it were to be served normally. and snapped it into 3 inch pieces and dropped it into the soup... lid on and gently simmer.

Check the spaghetti for how cooked it is after 10 minute and possibly add a tad more boiling water... (cooking pasta in STOCK takes longer than just in water and the spag absorbs the moisture so more water will likely be needed but not much)

It's not to be a thick soup.

Once the spag is cooked and you've tasted and ground a tad salt and/or pepper to taste....

take a big handful of your favourite green veg, cut to a size that will cook fast and add it

I used sliced kale and slivers of brocolli

Let the veg cook a few minutes ... then serve.

I suggest grating parmesan over the soup in the bowls you serve it in

I assure you... you can mess with the recipe if you want... pasta spirals instead of spag... cabbage and no brocolli.....

just use the basis .....and get souping .

Carbs, vegetables and flavour, rehydration and herbs.. alll in one bowl, with protein from cheese
