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Thread: DS lite hinge repair

  1. #1
    Mike Fishcake

    DS lite hinge repair

    Anyone done a DS lite hinge repair before?

    Fishcake Jnr's DS has decided to come unattached on the right hand side, so it needs repairing.

    I've found this place here:

    But was just wondering if anyone had any suggestions or other words of wisdom before I attacked it with a (Y-shaped) screwdriver...

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    Re: DS lite hinge repair

    I have many times, I did a guide that should be on here

    suggestions, get a load of little bowls to put the screws in, a lot are different sizes

    You will need:
    Y shaped screwdriver
    replacement barrel hinge (and possibly collar)
    possibly replacement top half of case (will mean you need a lot more too)


    some of the pics no longer exist but you get the idea
    Last edited by finlay666; 03-07-2009 at 05:25 PM.
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  4. #3
    Mike Fishcake

    Re: DS lite hinge repair

    I shall have a fiddle with that. Cheers!

  5. #4
    Mike Fishcake

    Re: DS lite hinge repair


    Fiddle, I did.

    Bought a new case - it was great. Good quality, all seemed fine. Followed the instructions using the videos that finlay posted - all good.

    Except, I (that's stupid me who thinks that because he's repaired loads of laptops, he knows how to fix all electronic things) kinda made it worse by thinking "nah, there must be an easier way to do... oh crap"

    I managed to damage the cable on the top screen, AND accidentally pull off the entire touchscreen part from the bottom screen.


    So anyway, the guy I bought the replacement case off, actually does repairs himself, so I shipped it off to him, explaining what had happened, and he fixed it all for an incredibly reasonable price, really quickly. £26.99 for a replacement top LCD and touch screen, including fitting, delivery and VAT. (The case I bought cost about £15, but I actually needed that anyway).

    Essentially what I'm saying is if you don't want to (or can't be bothered) repairing your own DS, don't think that buying a used one (with the potential to have weak hinges on anyway) will be cheaper, use this guy: , because I was really happy with the service he gave. And no, I don't know him, and haven't been asked to say this

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