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Thread: Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium...???

  1. #1
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    Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium...???

    Hi All

    Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium have 12GB difficulty showing all the ram available?

    Reason I ask is that I was advised today that there were some difficulties in the Asus MB seeing all the 12GB of ram properly.

    I was hence offered the Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7 instead as it supposedly can see all 12GB of ram with their more solid BIOS updates etc.

    Any advice on this situation here, as I initially did want the ASUS board but went with a last minute choice of accepting the Gigabyte GA-X58A-UD7
    Last edited by Nzastudios; 01-09-2010 at 07:12 PM.

  2. #2
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    Re: Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium...???

    I have heard that certain Asus boards sometimes do struggle to show the full 12gb. However I would like to ask why you opted for 12gb of ram? You will never use it all
    6GB of high performance ram is more than enough, also it would mean you might have trouble with your overclock too...

  3. #3
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    Re: Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium...???

    I invested in the 12gb as I use RAM intensive music Apps like Reason and also Adobe Premiere,Photoshop also for fun/hobby

    Quote Originally Posted by Taklop View Post
    I have heard that certain Asus boards sometimes do struggle to show the full 12gb. However I would like to ask why you opted for 12gb of ram? You will never use it all
    6GB of high performance ram is more than enough, also it would mean you might have trouble with your overclock too...

  4. #4
    Scan Computers PeteG@Scan's Avatar
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    Re: Does the ASUS P6X58D Premium...???


    The's an issue I diganosed back in Feb that's been happening across the industry sporadicly since then.

    When the banks are fully populated then one of the banks doesn't always show. Sometimes it can be fine for weeks sometimes it happens everytime and a lot of the time it never happens.

    When I first saw it I tried motherboards from 6 different firms as well as memory from 3 different firms and they all replicated it.

    I've spoken to other engineers from other suppliers in the uk as well as the states and they report the same thing with various other brands of both memory and boards.

    If you google up any given X58 board maker and the words "Missing 2Gb of memory" you'll get back threads asking what's happening and a lot of people scratching their heads.

    From what I could work out it's a batch compatability issue between certain revisions of memory ic on the sticks and the intel memory ic on the cpu. The's few firms that make the chip ic and it appears that one of them hasn't quite been acheiving spec 100% of the time over the last year. As all the memory firms source from the same couple of firms for their on chip controllers all of them have had the issue happening.

    The problem has been that noone is techincally in the wrong here. All the products work and will test fine and it's only sometimes in certain configurations which have been very hard to track down. Working with Corsair and Gigabyte we've got a solution for the Gigabyte boards in the form of a set of beta bios that are currently being rolled out to the whole range. All these bios do is tweak an internal voltage or two slightly to ensure stability is kept and all the sticks report on each post.

    Corsair are now working with Asus and the should be a resolve soon but the isn't one right now, and it was myself who suggested to the build team that they should swap brands to get it out to you quicker.


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