Its rather embarrassing to have my first post here admit that I am an idiot. Still, its a lot less so as a faceless entity on the web.
I wanted a new PC for serious photo and video editing. I required at least 3 internal HD and as I have no expertise in building a PC, I searched for a custom build on the net. I came across this company and found some positive feedback on Hexus Trust, so I contacted them and found them very helpful. I decided to place an order on 15th February. Since then, it has been a disaster! Emails are ignored, phone calls not returned and I have been told on 3 separate occasions that the machine has been despatched, only to find on chasing up the tracking details, that there was a problem. The latest date given was for today, but despite assurances on Thursday that I would receive the consignment details, they have not been forthcoming, and I have received no response to my email and phone follow-ups.
It is now 40 days since I placed my order and they took my money and I am not optimistic that the PC will arrive. Fortunately, I used my credit card so should be able to get my money back - I hope!
The purpose of this post is to make others aware of my error. I hope it will enable others searching the web to make an informed decision about the PCOGroup.
If anyone here knows of a good company that will do what they promise, I'd appreciate hearing about them.
Kind regards,