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Thread: Moving 'ouse twice in two months... and other crap

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    HEXUS webmaster Steve's Avatar
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    Moving 'ouse twice in two months... and other crap

    Ah yes, it's my latest .blog entry.

    My loyal subjects, of which there are many, in fact so many they're thinking of starting a democratic (or was it fascist, I can't remember) party. Anyway, most loyal subjects will recall that when I'm not writing about RAID arrays, raving about Radeons and, erm, doing news, that I'm a student of the dear University of Bristol. Well, the first year of all that's over, lovely... passed that, not that it counts, but still, wootage for that'n.

    Anyway, now that we've established that I'm a scummy student and have finished my first year, it's time to address the pain in the rear that is moving all your stuff... twice. See, I lived in halls of residence the first year. Lovely place it was. Still, got a nice fat house to rent for next year, which is going to be fantastic, but it's not ready until next month. So I had to lug all my stuff up to Hull, to live (if you can call it that) for six weeks, then move all the way back down to the West Country. Oh joy.

    So, Steve's a happy little llama, sat in a tiny, south-west facing (e.g. flippin' warm) room trying to crack on with some news and review work. Still, only 33 days left before I get my nice big room with more than enough space to setup a small datacenter.

    For those of you bored of reading that, wake up, because a topic change just occurred. HEXUS.newsletters... love 'em, don't ya!? Anyway, some of the forum folk were helping me test a new version last month, and thanks to their help, it's ready to go. All being well it'll be out later today, and there's a gaming edition coming too!

    If you're not subscribed to the HEXUS.newsletter, plonk yourself on the lovely HEXUS.list website and get yourself subscribed.

    In other news, the Icy Flo is still working a treat. However, it did get a bit rattly, so I oiled it with olive oil (that's all I could find at the time). Don't ever over-fill a fan with olive oil. If you do, it generally finds a way of ejecting it, usually in a spray-like fashion, which is just lovely.
    Last edited by Steve; 03-07-2006 at 04:16 PM.
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