I update my bios to 15 but for me the AHCI and RAID and Jmicron doesn't work as intended.
I had previous 2x250gb WD YS setup in RAID 0 which worked fine, but now i changed to a single drive(bkup reasons) which is a samsung spinpoint T166 500gb NCQ and i just want 90% from it and from my MBO.
I spent days installing and reinstalling OS XP pro genuine with different settings in BIOS and load several drivers with F6 but the best i can get is UDMA 6 for drive with SATA mode set on raid in BIOS and F6 ICH8R raid driver loaded and also i can't get more than UDMA 4 for my pioneer 111bk and udma 2 for LG dvd rom both on same IDE cable.
The best instalation OS i have on those 2 x250GB WD YS left from previous in external RAID box with E sata cables which works realy fast and i have both DVD units working on udma 6.In this case i installed OS and load on f6 jmicron drivers but i didn't setup the HDD in raid.
I tried also instaling jmicron driver for windows but is just starting up my OS slower and my DVD's are still on UDMA 4 and 2.
Everest ultimat edition and sandra profesional sad the drive is capable of udma 7 or more and I should "check the BIOS settings or CHANGE controler driver"
1.Can anybody tell me where i get wrong and which driver with which settings in BIOS also exactly i should load on F6 to get the best of my HDD samsung and my DVD units?
I realy had enough trying installing several hours OS.
2.If i want to buy SATA DVD RW i will have same problems? If not which one should i go for?Which settings also when installing OS?
3. I can't get the front panel audio working the cables for front panel from Xclio is in one piece but i'm not sure is that the problem because didn't work on my previous case either
E6420@2480mhz gemini II heatsink+ 1x12cm fan Abit Quad GT bios 15
Gskill 2 x 1gb F2 6400HK Cl4 930mhz
X1950XT power color 512RAM ddr 3
Thermaltake 700W
Xclio Windtunnel case