I recently tried flashing my bios from v10 to v17 using the flashmenu utility in windows. However, once I'd flashed, I started getting issues with my BIOS, including the CMOS checksum error. I have fixed these now. However, I was still getting problems with very strange temperature readings from the BIOS. They would fluctuate a lot, and were higher than normal. About 10C higher. I used coretemp utility, and this confirmed the values the BIOS was reporting were incorrect. I tried flashing to v16 to solve this issue, this time from a floppy outside of windows, but the issue remained. I then tried reverting back to v10 BIOS, and this introduced a new issue with the temp readings. Rather than fluctuating and being very high, the reading was now stuck on 0. The BIOS sometimes reports 27C constantly as the temperature, sometimes it just says "N/A". As the CPU fan is controlled by the BIOS, the CPU RPM is stuck on a very low value.
How can I fix these problems?