I have an ABIT IX48 GT3, and a WD Raptor HDD in it.
I also have an external enclosure to add HDD's. When I put my old HDD (WD2500JS - SATA II) it get connected without no problems (if I don't boot with it in, I have to rescan my HDD's - no problem). But when I put another old HDD (WD200YD - SATA I) it does not get recognized... all I hear is like 3 tries of the HDD to work, and then it "parks" itself.
I thought that it may be the external box - maybe it is only for SATA II... check manufacturer's website and says SATA I/II... connection is via sata and box's power supply (not eSata) - box also has USB to get connected, tried that too without any luck - same result.
I took my Raptor HDD off and installed the SATA I HDD in my case... again same thing...
Why does that happen? Maybe the mobo does not recognize SATA I at all?
Anyone has any ideas?