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Thread: Intermittent beeping and system hang - IP35 Pro.

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    • Talbot6832's system
      • Motherboard:
      • Abit IP35 Pro
      • CPU:
      • Intel(R) Core(TM)2 CPU 6700 @ 2.66GHz (2 CPUs), ~2.7GHz
      • Memory:
      • 2046MB RAM
      • Storage:
      • 400 GB
      • Graphics card(s):
      • NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTX
      • PSU:
      • Tagan 900w
      • Case:
      • Akasa Mirage
      • Operating System:
      • Vista 32 bit Home Premium
      • Monitor(s):
      • Hanns-G 19" Widescreen TFT-LCD

    Intermittent beeping and system hang - IP35 Pro.

    I come back from a week of being away, turn on my computer and am greeted by an intermittent beeping noise and a failure of the PC to boot up. The monitor will not turn on but everything else sounds normal, apart from the beeping.

    All the fans and such are working but the post code is C1, now I assume that's a RAM issue but surely giving the PC a break for a week would not cause broke RAM.

    Unfortunately I have long lost interest in computer tech but still like PC games, which is not a good combo.

    PC specs:

    IP35 Pro
    2GB Corsair TwinX DDR2 8500
    Core 2 duo 2.8ghz intel
    Geforce gtx260 2

    A right royal pain.

    Any suggestions... ?

    EDIT: Having removed a single stick of RAM (I just randomly took the one stick out furthest from the CPU) the computer now boots up fine, obviously a little slower as I'm missing a full GB's worth of RAM.

    Would the RAM just die like that? Do I need to adjust some voltages? I'm told that RAM might need some more juice as it gets older...

    I'm completely out of the loop now and I was looking forward to playing the new Fallout New Vegas DLC

    EDIT #2: Okay I may have solved the issue by upping the voltage for the RAM from 1.8v to 1.9v. The computer turned on as normal after I had done that.
    Last edited by Talbot6832; 25-09-2011 at 09:33 PM.

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