I have recently taken the wheel of a swede in what I'd politely refer too as Doom Blue.
I cant stand dark blues... they look great clean.. and look rubbish 3 seconds later. But I own one (was value.. can't say no to value) and this weekend was it's first proper valet.
Having jetwashed, sponged, and rinsed twice... it got a good flunky'ing and was let to dry properly while I tidied the garage.
Then I found something I bought about 6 years ago.... Sonax Carnauba Wax.
I opened it expeting the wax to have dried but it smelled like new.. and it's a lovely smell. So I tentatively took the application pad out, spun it around in the wax a little and lovingly circled it onto the front wing..
it is LOVELY
using tiny amountd and working panels in tiny swirls the foam pad makes it a doddle.. then leaving it to dry, the only thing I suffered from alittle was excess dust build up in the mutton cloth that I buffed it off with. Will use less polish next time.
The car's smooth and glossy and it took under an hour to do the whole car. A tootbrush today to remove the edge build up round window rubbers was all I forgot to do yesterday.
Anyone else used a Carnauba wax?