At the end of the day I look at it like this and most likely so will a judge or jury if it ever went that far.
I bought the DVD I still have the DVD even though Ive ripped it I now have two copies.
Im not giving the DVD away and I haven't uploaded the ripped version to anyone both copies are in my possession and always will if I sell a DVD I delete the ripped version simple, yes im aware the DVD licence is for the actual DVD and theres no grounds to the ripped version.
But Id be more than happy to step into a court room with my DVD collection and ripped collection and say look there both the same and then show the receipts and broadband history showing I haven't uploaded anything then we'll see what happens.
Now same goes for a copyrighted book what if I photocopy it for safe keeping
At the end of the day rip it Im sure the law system has far more important things to do but keep the dvds aswell just to be nice.