Seriously. They are ****wits. I was perusing this month's issue in my local supermarket when I came across a review of no fewer than six power cords. According to the tagline, 'power cords are one of the best value and most effective upgrades' to a hifi system.
Are they *******s.
They then went on to test no fewer than six power cords priced from £70 up to £120, and went on to praise the 'extra air and space....tighter grip on the music....' and other such crap.
Seriously, I would defy any person to tell the difference between flippin' bell wire and one of these cables in a double blind test, let alone the perfectly decent gauge copper power lead supplied with any decent hifi component. I don't know what's more worrying.....that there are at least six companies making a killing by selling ripoff cables to mugs, or that a supposedly reputable magazine is encouraging them!
I also don't know whether I should be trying to expose them for the idiots they are (e.g. by sending in a 50p cable dressed up with some fancy braided shielding for review...I pretty much guarantee I could write the review for them with my 'press release') or whether I should just join the party myself and make some easy money off other people's stupidity.
What do you reckon?
Rich :¬)
Edit: I've changed the name of the mag in the title. I'm warming to the idea of trying to con them into reviewing a spoof product, and I don't want the search engines to pick up this thread and potentially tip them off. If you're replying, please don't mention the mag by name.
Edit 2: Damn, can't change the title on the main forum page. Could a mod/admin do this for me? Cheers.