I am comign up to the time for an upgrade...to Dual Core and a new graphics card probs an ATI R600 plus a PSU to power it all. Now thats going to be about £375 all in exluding VAT. Not cheap.
Now I see the Xbox 360 is going to be that as well but won't need constant upgrading to be able to play the games that come out, plus with games like Quake Wars: ET and GRAW 2 coming to Xbox 360 it seems like an easier less troublesome platform and just keep the PC for internet and photo editing.
I will miss the RTS games but the cheating on PC games is really proliferating all games now and thats never enjoyable.
I have a Wii and its great but I like top end games too hence the PC.
Am I the only one thinking I should ditch the PC for gaming or am I mad?