Back in the day I used to religously play PlanetSide and I am bored at work and thinking how cool it would be if something similar was available on the 360 (I just started playing crackdown last night - excellent game, and can't wait to get outta here and get back to it). I know Huxley is coming out but I'm not sure whether this is like planetside as in everyone playing is a person, or whether the enemy in the game are AI. Anyway, anyone know whether one is in the pipeline?
The perfect world to me would be warhammer 40k, although a mmorpg is being developed for the PC based on this. Planetside wasnt so much an online rpg, it was more like an EPIC battlefield game with a decent unlock system where you had to specialise in what vehicles you wanted to drive etc. If I recall the battles were reset daily/weekly (I really cant remember) so fairly often the game would start over and you would start fighting for territory again. GREAT GAME, so good infact I may just have to reinstall it tonight