What would it be ???
Alot of stuff lately seems to be the same old stuff churned out over and over again, so many FPS, adventure games. Look at the FIFA series, looks virtually the same year in year out now and they sell it because it has the newest seasons team members and maybe slightly better physics.
Its starting to look like companies just sell a tried and tested formula over and over again because they know that the punters would buy it no matter what.
So, if you were given the chance to design a game what would it be ? How would you do say stats for an rpg as well as visuals, something new and different on a FPS. Storylines etc ?
Most of all how would you expect it to run on an average families system (Say a middle of the range DELL or similar machine with 512 Ram and a FX 5200 card)
Lets see what everyone thinks and comes up with. I'm sure that everyday people have way better ideas than most out there in what they would like to see in gaming