Bought "Dreamfall" the other weekend as it looked like one of those rarest of things - an adventure game, having "completed" it last night I would strongly recommend against anyone else bothering with it.
First, it installs Starforce protection drivers - which did have the benefit of proving unsigned kernel mode drivers will cause Vista x64 to refuse to start up, but the installer just said "some DLLs need to be loaded" and then "you must restart your computer to play the game" - no indication it was screwing around installing filter drivers.
Second, the acting quality of the voice actors is dire - I'm no film critic but this was painful to watch at times, despite the graphics engine being great.
Imagine a 2-second gap between 1 character talking and the next "interrupting" them.
Third, and probably most significant to a lot of players, there is about 3% of the "game" which is interactive - this is basically an animated film where you infrequently get to walk a few paces or click on the only usable object in the room before the next cutscene plays.
It is virtually impossible to die, the biggest challenge in the game is trying to figure out why the hell moving the mouse to the left turns the character to the right and vice versa (you play third person but I have never experienced this configuration before).
The storyline itself sounded interesting, but having finished it now I am just confused - so many threads left hanging, so many bizarre, unwarranted actions, holes in the plot you could drive a truck through.
A serious let-down, and proof that fantastic, detailed graphics and backdrops do not a great game make.
The Fahrenheit demo looks a lot more promising, and it's only a tenner from so that'll be by next investment.