My hot sauce order arrived yesterday and you can imagine how happy I was to be unwrapping bottles of Death Sauce, Possible Side Effects and Mr Naga.
My happiness was not for long - each of the Death bottles are shrinkwrapped with the trademark Skull Keyring on top. I took the shrinkwrap off , eager to make up a batch of chicken wings a la mort. I removed the wrapper and gave the bottle a good shake , as you would.
Disaster struck , I was suddenly aware of most of my kitchen being coated in chilli sauce. It wasn't the from the top of the bottle , as I had my thumb over it ( been caught out like that before ! ) There must have been a hairline crack in the bottom of the bottle which cleanly separated , covering my self and my kitchen in a fivers worth of Hot Sauce ! It even got into my shoes !
I was almost in tears , and not because any got near my eye ! all that remained was about a cap full in the neck of the bottle. I have photos on my house mates camera which I'll post when I get them , along with a sternly worded email to the place I got them from !