Looking through this forum over the last month or two it has been very intresting, but one thing I think could be better is the amount of reposting and posts that are basically the same that roll in day in day out, literally i have seen about 15 threads on vista, and probably bordering 30 threads on c2d. Its ridiculous and it doesnt need to be that way as there is no doubt that a vast array of data already exists in this forum, so it would be a better way rather than wasting space with a new version of a past post each week.
Now on a car forum I use it does a good thing, when you click the new thread button a message comes up saying basically what i did above "use the search bar before you post" and this is backed up by all the admins and most of the forum users.
Here on the other hand people dont seem to mind answering the same questions day in day out which i find odd because its doing my head in just seeing a new vista thread each day.
So all in all I think that the search facility should be promoted more than it is at the moment, which really is non existant.
views and comments please