View Poll Results: Have Labour done a good job since coming into power?

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  • Yes they have!

    9 13.64%
  • No, not at all!

    46 69.70%
  • If I'm honest I couldn't answer either way.

    11 16.67%
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Thread: Happy with the Current Government?

  1. #17
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Rhuuuuubarb rhuuuuuubarb!

  2. #18
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzlad View Post
    Interestingly enough:

    Support for Labour hits 25-year low - Times Online

    Labour's support is at a 25 year low. Change is afoot, let's hope the Tories don't mess it up!
    I do think that since Brown has got power, Labour's days are limited. I am not sure if he is up to the job tbh...

  3. #19
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzlad View Post
    Sim - remember Labour's promises in 1997?
    I believe these were them. How do you think they've done on them?

    We will make education our number one priority
    We will help create successful and profitable businesses
    We will get the unemployed from welfare to work
    We will save the NHS
    We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime
    We will strengthen family life
    We will help you get more out of life
    We will clean up politics
    We will give Britain leadership in Europe
    Isn't it:
    "We will try to ..."

    Still all these "election promises" are more like goals rather than promises. Its no different for any other party.

  4. #20
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by SiM View Post
    I do think that since Brown has got power, Labour's days are limited. I am not sure if he is up to the job tbh...
    The man's a pleb. He's stuffed up the economy and public spending as chancellor and he's as charasmatic as a half dead ape.

    Other than that - nice chap.
    Last edited by dangel; 28-03-2008 at 05:33 PM.
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  5. #21
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by SiM View Post
    Isn't it:
    "We will try to ..."

    Still all these "election promises" are more like goals rather than promises. Its no different for any other party.
    They were Labours PROMISES - they gave them out on a card which said Labour's Promises on them
    "If elected we will".

    They were promises and were broken.

    The small issue which really, really bugged me was the banning of all handguns.

    Do you know how many murders have been committed with registered handguns?

    So Labour ban them (meaning our atheletes have to train in a different country).

    Handgun crime under Labour?


  6. #22
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Labour haven't been a shining of how to get things right but I somehow doubt the Tories would have been any better. Different, but not better.

  7. #23
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Politics is just rubbish, regardless of who is in power.

    Although I'm one of the apprent 1% that intends to flee from this sinking ship... I mean country.

    PS: Labour suck.

  8. #24
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    No, I am not happy with them.

    Firstly, there's the war, the "dossier", the lies (or misinformation/incompetence depending on your perspective).

    Then there's the golden worldwide economic situation they had, and what they managed to make of it. Brown's much-vaunted economic competence is, in my view, a scam. He has borrowed the government (and us) in to huge deficits, he's taxed like crazy while pretending he isn't, he's saddled us with several decades (and I do mean decades) of liability for expensive PFI projects because it makes it look like he's doing lots for us while in reality he's putting the younger generation in hock for most of their adult life to pay for it. He's totally missed the point on financial regulation and was directly responsible for the farce that Northern Rock descended into.

    Yes, he's kept inflation under control.

    How? By careful manipulation and redefinition of what goes into the inflation figure. Yes; inflation is at 2%-ish. Provided you don't buy food or clothes, pay for energy bills, run a car, buy petrol or have a mortgage.

    And he compares our inflation figures with over countries (as recently as Wednesday in PMQ's), while carefully omitting to point out that just about every major nation has different ways of measuring inflation, so the figures aren't directly comparable anyway.

    Oh, and he boasts about cutting "income tax" to 20%, blithely ignoring the removal of the 10% band that makes some of the poorest actually worse off under his "cut", and does it in relation to being tackled on "taxes", by pretending that income tax equates to "taxes". Gordon, it doesn't. The tax burden we bear covers ALL taxes, so either you know that and are trying to con us, or you don't know that and are a raging incompetent. So what is it, Gordon? Liar or con-man?

    And what's good about Labour? Well, yes, they've done good in some areas. A LOT of money has been spent on health, education, etc. I wouldn't have a problem with that .... IF it had bought results commensurate with the vast sums spent. But it hasn't. Improvements, yes, undoubtedly. But not, in my view, any like should have been achieved with that sum. But never mind, we've now got GP's delighted with new contracts that, by and large, involve increased pay checks and reduced hours. And never mind that they crewed up dentists contracts so badly that large numbers of them finally gave up and left the NHS entirely, for private practice .... including, very reluctantly, a good friend of mine who'd finally had enough.

    And we get crime bill after crime bill that erode civil liberties, but don't seem to have much impact on crime, or at least, on violent crime. And we've had a total fiasco in terms of managing the prison service, which seems to have been dealt with by simply releasing people early, because the government didn't pay any heed to repeated warnings.

    And as for competence in data management and security, well, if it wasn't so pathetic it might be funny.

    All told, I'd be rather surprised if most ministers could find their own arses with both hands and a bloodhound.

    So am I happy with them. Not exactly.

    The big question is whether the Tories would be any better? Not convinced.

    What I am convinced about is that Labour's constant references to comparing their economic performance with the Tories under Thatcher is a total red herring. Labour did not inherit the disaster that Thatcher did, and have not run a government under the same worldwide economic climate that Thatcher did.

    Did Thatcher do a perfect job? No, far from it. But direct comparisons, such as Brown keeps doing with interest rates compared to those (and he only ever mentions the peak) are invalid because the overall climate is very different. We do not know how the Tories would have coped with the situation Labour have had any more than we know how Labour would have coped with the problems and situation Thatcher had to deal with. We simply can't compared basic stats, because the fundamentals are vastly different.

    So no, I'm not happy with Labour. In my view, they're a bunch of self-serving hypocrites. But I've no reason to believe the Tories would be any better. Essentially ..... a pox on both their houses.

    And we will not get out of that rut while politicians run the country, and we can't do anything (short of revolution) about the fact that politicians run the country because they control the only non-violent means we have of changing the system, and so won't change it. They just kick the ball back and forth between themselves while pretending to serve us. Ha!

    And as a solution, revolution has one thing in common with democracy. Democracy is the worst available form of government, except for all the others. Revolution is the best form of changing it, except for all the others. I suspect that as a solution, it'd probably end up worse than the problem.

    Cynic? Grumpy ol' git? Wot, me?

  9. Received thanks from:

    mike_w (28-03-2008)

  10. #25
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    I still can't get over the sale of our Gold - that's a mistake we'll pay for big time.

    Goldfinger Brown’s £2 billion blunder in the bullion market - Times Online

    It's unbelievable.

    Add that to signing away our rebate

    Brown faces new row over EU rebate cut | Business | The Guardian

    And you start to wonder if he's as good as sums as he professed to be...

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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzlad View Post
    They were Labours PROMISES - they gave them out on a card which said Labour's Promises on them
    "If elected we will".

    They were promises and were broken.
    We will make education our number one priority A level/GCSE grades are up... although the exams are easier
    We will help create successful and profitable businesses impossible not to do
    We will get the unemployed from welfare to work unemployment is lower than 1997
    We will save the NHS save it from what? It is still around
    We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime banning ipods would reduce crime
    We will strengthen family life that's up to individuals... not sure why labour promised
    We will help you get more out of life well they have helped but maybe not much
    We will clean up politics impossible
    We will give Britain leadership in Europe europe stinks anyway
    Quote Originally Posted by Bazzlad View Post
    The small issue which really, really bugged me was the banning of all handguns.

    Do you know how many murders have been committed with registered handguns?

    So Labour ban them (meaning our atheletes have to train in a different country).

    Handgun crime under Labour?

    For security reasons, I suppose banning handguns is fine. Registered handguns can get lost/stolen/into children's hands.
    Athletes need handguns to train

  12. #27
    Herr Doktor Oetker, ja!!! pollaxe's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    I don't think if you cherry-picked individuals from all of the major political parties in this country that you could form a decent cabinet.

    I'm tired and disillusioned with them and our system to be perfectly honest.

    I particularly dislike the Nanny State that Labour has brought in, the tax burdens and the cost of living. However, I'm also old enough to remember the state of the country when the Tories were running the place and I still shudder at that.

  13. #28
    A Straw? And Fruit? Bazzlad's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by SiM View Post
    We will make education our number one priority A level/GCSE grades are up... although the exams are easier
    We will help create successful and profitable businesses impossible not to do
    We will get the unemployed from welfare to work unemployment is lower than 1997
    We will save the NHS save it from what? It is still around
    We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime banning ipods would reduce crime
    We will strengthen family life that's up to individuals... not sure why labour promised
    We will help you get more out of life well they have helped but maybe not much
    We will clean up politics impossible
    We will give Britain leadership in Europe europe stinks anyway

    For security reasons, I suppose banning handguns is fine. Registered handguns can get lost/stolen/into children's hands.
    Athletes need handguns to train

    We will make education our number one priority A level/GCSE grades are up... although the exams are easier

    Basic literacy is down.
    How can we boost our children's literacy? - Telegraph

    We will help create successful and profitable businesses impossible not to do
    True - but then Labour tax them out of business.

    We will get the unemployed from welfare to work unemployment is lower than 1997
    Hidden in disability figures which have sky rocketed.

    We will save the NHS save it from what? It is still around
    And in the biggest debt it's ever been in, despite having more money pumped into it than ever.

    We will be tough on crime and tough on the causes of crime banning ipods would reduce crime
    A joke.

    We will strengthen family life that's up to individuals... not sure why labour promised
    Especially as familys get taxed to hell under them, and couples make shed loads more by living together and claiming they don't.

    We will help you get more out of life well they have helped but maybe not much
    Can't measure, but with less money due to increased tax, I'd say not.

    We will clean up politics impossible
    No - they overtook a dirty party and then made them look clean. One word. Mandelson.

    We will give Britain leadership in Europe europe stinks anyway
    Yes, but the rebate, gained by Thatcher was great, without it, we now are the only Big Country in Europe who pays more in than we get out. France, Italy and Germany do not.

    Thanks Labour!

  14. #29
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    those aims that governments write is really marketing speak. I mean, for example, "making education a number one priority" - that statement just gives voters a warm fuzzy feel inside.

    everyone knows education takes two to tango - students and teachers.

    what governments should do is provide the infrastructure for people to thrive (IF THEY WANT TO). i.e. sort of like bacteria.

    this government doesn't do that.

  15. #30
    Ah, Mrs. Peel! mike_w's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Well, I was going to post about my opinions on the government... but Saracen pretty much said everything that I was going to (and much better)

    Apart from the lying about Iraq, losing data, and eroding civil liberties, Labour has wasted vast quantities of money... at the very least, they could have simply not spent it all and avoided debt rather than plunging so much money into public services with comparatively little benefit.
    "Well, there was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves but we assumed that was a freak accident."

  16. #31
    Ghost of Hexus Present sammyc's Avatar
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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Dr Richard Taylor for P.M., Bazzlad? sadly too nice, I should think.

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    Re: Happy with the Current Government?

    Quote Originally Posted by Saracen View Post
    The tax burden we bear covers ALL taxes, so either you know that and are trying to con us, or you don't know that and are a raging incompetent.
    Gordon Brown is an intellectual heavyweight. He got 5 A grades at the equivalent of A levels when he had just turned 15 and went straight to Edinburgh Uni after that. I have trouble believing that anything he does is an innocent mistake. He knows exactly what the consequences of PFI et al are.

    Is an intelligent liar better than a stupid liar - is Gordon Brown better than Tony Blair/David Cameron?

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