Why do we destroy or ruin everything when we don’t need to?
People seem to be hell bent on destroying other people’s personal assets. Cars are scratched, smashed stolen etc, houses are vandalises, broken into, bikes are stolen, vandalised. Even a basic wall is spry panted, knocked down, and drawn on.
Every place of work has trouble makers. People who are out to get every other person, people who will spread lies and deceit and scapegoat every honest person to get them self out of doing even the most basic task. I could go on about this one for a long time!
General living
People defraud nearly every system in place to help them and in return the system then over inflates its costs and makes it hard for the honest people to actually use their services,
The Police / law
The police service seem to have no power to stop people making other people’s life a misery. In fact they are intimidated by these no good, lay about, jobless louts who sit around drinking Carlsberg at 10:00am from the 24 hour party then just had in their DHSS home.
Forums, provided for free to the online population are spammed by bots and no good / scam posts trying to part people with their money.
Servers / free online servers / home servers
People can not just let any online system be. They have to try to hack it, bombard it with botnets and generally try their up most to make other peoples life a misery
Free email services
People seem to think that they can use these to spam the world with emails, once again trying to make money for themselves at the demise of other people.
Online gaming
Every online game has cheaters, farmers, hackers, ragers and other types of players who wish to take the enjoyment out of the game for others and use it for themselves. In may ways steeling the pleasure from the game for themselves or use and destroy the in game economy for money.
I will not say anything about this….I think we all know enough to make our own decisions. All I will say is the the people who put their lives on the line are not given enough backup, money or respect.
What has this world become? It seems as if personal greed has taken over. How can I teach children to be fair when I know that by doing this they will be walked over by these types of people? How do you show a child when they need to be selfish and when they need to think of others?
I worry about the future of this planet I really do
There are probably loads more but my rant is now over.