Now this isn't going to be a moan about big nations and their foreign policy, this is about the do gooders, often Guardian reading level of intelligence.
Whilst visionary philosophers of our time, such as Maxi Jazz (pr/t)each us that Inaction is akin to mass destruction, its very important to remember that even the best intentions can have disastrous effects.
So the example that starts this, a friend of mine has just spent a week in a true 3rd world environment, at one point her guide took the group through the village his wife was from, and they made camp there. The people where nice n friendly, at one point someone asked why they didn't have a teacher there, the village elders explained that they raised some $300, but that was short of the $450 needed.
My friend decides to make up the difference herself, whats 0.3% of your bonus after all. The thing is, another person in the group decides that this is just one village on the route of many that must all suffer similar problems. They suggest that they should look at funding all 20 places they stopped in (nice way to do charity eh!).
This is where she proves that she's actually got the analytical mind, no she says. The reason the village had raised $300 is that was what the rate used to be, regrettably there is a shortage of teachers, almost 1:2 ratio. So each village is in a bidding war with another village for one teacher, now these are very poor areas, as such the wealth distribution is piratically linear, meaning the village that will attract the teacher, is the one who has the most people in, and quite probably the most children assuming here that the teacher is capable of teaching all the children without any problems, this is the village that deserves it most.
By actually making a donation to help the home village of the guide's wife, a village that was possibly more deserving has been deprived of a teacher, that might of helped produce more teachers. Someone else high on the feeling of doing 'good' wanting to expand this could have disastrous results.
Charity is kinda a bitch init.