Yet there is less gun crime per 1000 people in this country than the US. Also when is the last time that robbers have had a massive shoot out with police in this country with semi-automatic weapons? In fact when is the last time there was any shoot out between police and any one else in this country?? If there was one it would make the national(not local) news headlines.
How many adolescent kids in this country have gone a round murdering people at schools here then??
Police do not need to carry guns around here to protect the peace. They do not need to be pointing around a gun to get some sort of respect.
Quoting the Swiss is pointless since they are countries with SMALL populations and high GDP which do not have many of the social problems that others do. Also the Swiss and Sweden have very small standing armies and hence need to use the civilians they train as soldiers during any invasion. The fact of the matter is the US has a huge standing army and hence does not need armed to the teeth civilians to protect its territorial integrity.
Dropping easily accessible guns(legal or non legal) into any country which has deep seated poverty, major social problems and very limited social care and benefits(unlike Sweden and Switzerland which have some of the highest standards of living in the whole world) is NOT a good idea.
Those sniper rifles are used to take soldiers with armour and other materiel. Also why sell AP bullets then?? Why not sell anti-tank weapons and AP mines so that people can blow up old cars for fun??
The fact of the matter is that a semi-automatic assault type weapons are designed to kill many people quickly and 12.7mm sniper rifles are designed to take out soldiers wearing armour and destroy VEHICLES!! Most of the semi-automatic and automatic weapons are designed to be reloaded quickly too.
They were not designed to kill Bambi. How many soldiers have you seen having a handgun or a hunting rifle as standard issue?? Even the shotguns they have are not the standard type that most people think off(SPAS15 for example).
With a 500 billion dollar+ defence budget I think that your armed forces can protect your country well enough.
Having civilians armed to the teeth does not help "protect" yourself and neither does having armed police.
Many countries in the world still have low gun crime and do need to have all their police and civilians armed to the teeth.
There were 42 gun related deaths in Great Britain last year:
The US has considerably more gun related deaths per 1000 than the UK:
Even if the figure were reduced by 50% they would be still terrible.