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Thread: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please?

  1. #49 member Agent's Avatar
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    Re: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adnoz View Post
    Are you comparing a child having a tiny non permanent hole put into their ear at what is most likely their request to a child being forced into having sex?
    Yes. Its the extreme end of your statement "Who are we to say what a parent can and cannot allow their child to do?" to show that it doesn't hold up.

    If you want to get less extreme, how would you control a child if the parents had no right to guide them in what they can and can not do until they are mature enough to know themselves?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adnoz View Post
    That's a pretty bad comparison.
    Absolutely is - but again, I was just using it to show that the comment is a pretty crazy one

    Quote Originally Posted by Adnoz View Post
    Obviously there are times when someone should intervene, but too much control over children is being taken away these days, and transferring parental rights over to a government frightens me more than anything else.
    Me too. The government is undoubtedly eating into our everyday lives with powers I feel are unneeded, but I think the debate of unneeded body piercing doesn't fall into this.

    Quote Originally Posted by Adnoz View Post
    It really isn't, it's a tiny metal hole which heals over time, kinda like if you were to shave half of your kids hair off. It hurts for a whole 3 minutes anyway.
    3mins? Maybe for a fully grown adult, but you'll sure feel it for a while after too. Who knows what it feels like for a child of that age?

    Quote Originally Posted by Adnoz View Post
    But like I said, I'm not exactly cool with babies having their ears pierced, but if a kid of 5 or 6 wants it done, and their parents agree, then who the hell is anyone to stop them?
    The original petition was a response due babies being pierced, but I'm not sure about the 10yr old age myself. It seems reasonable, but again, I'm not a huge fan of giving more power to the government.
    Quote Originally Posted by Saracen View Post
    And by trying to force me to like small pants, they've alienated me.

  2. #50
    Master Of The Universe CaseyV9's Avatar
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    Re: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please?

    Well I kind of agree with not allowing babies and toddlers not being allowed to be pieced as they really have no mind of their own.

    I think the age 10 is a bit high. Would the age of 5+ be a better age? I stay away from children so I'm guessing that this is the age they coukld understand pieacings.

    I reckon 5 with the child's consent. As messed up and as flawed as I put it.

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    Re: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please? daughter is 7 and wants her ears done, we have said have to be 16. I know its a site for min age of 10, but its better than what we have got now...NO LAW
    You're a good example of why some animals eat their young

  4. #52
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    Re: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please?

    Massive pain to be quoting like this
    Quote Originally Posted by Agent View Post
    Yes. Its the extreme end of your statement "Who are we to say what a parent can and cannot allow their child to do?" to show that it doesn't hold up.
    I suppose you're right, there are circumstances in which authorities must intervene to stop parents from abusing their children, but to say that a simple piercing is even close to that is absurd.
    If you want to get less extreme, how would you control a child if the parents had no right to guide them in what they can and can not do until they are mature enough to know themselves?
    I'm not quite sure I follow
    Me too. The government is undoubtedly eating into our everyday lives with powers I feel are unneeded, but I think the debate of unneeded body piercing doesn't fall into this.
    Well, when people are trying to get the government create regulations on unneeded body piercing, I think it does.
    3mins? Maybe for a fully grown adult, but you'll sure feel it for a while after too. Who knows what it feels like for a child of that age?
    True, it would be different for a child, but not so much that it will torture the kid for life, or cause any sort of permanent damage.
    The original petition was a response due babies being pierced, but I'm not sure about the 10yr old age myself. It seems reasonable, but again, I'm not a huge fan of giving more power to the government.
    It was in response to babies being pierced, true, but by asking for a minumum age of 10 years for piercings the petition opens itself up to issues based on children who actually do want their ears pierced.
    I'd be less against something like this if it was reasonable and not what seems to be a silly knee-jerk reaction petition.

  5. #53
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    Re: Important Could all UK residents/nationals sign this please?

    Quote Originally Posted by JPreston View Post
    Hell, I've got some chinese characters and for all I know that's what they say.
    Uh uh..

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