since the whole blaster thing i am better at doing windows updates for work but am still poor with the ones at home
since the whole blaster thing i am better at doing windows updates for work but am still poor with the ones at home
I know M$ dont support win9x anymore, but would this affect win98se? I would assume not...
I thought Microsoft started supporting Windows 98SE again because poorer countries still commonly use earlier versions?
"Well, there was your Uncle Tiberius who died wrapped in cabbage leaves but we assumed that was a freak accident."
Well tosspot here runs firewall-less to keep his good download rates, so guess who got totally hosed in the last 36 hours.
Dunno if it's an intentional sde effect, but my net connection would die after about 5 minutes, which made it fun to get the latest virus defs (mine were nearly a week old!) Almost finished arsing around with it tonight, guess it gives me something to do ....
Well 56k generally tends to put me off downloading vast microsoft they take forever and you get disconnected then have to start the download again/cant actually use the net when downloading anything....
I just use the best anti-virus i know
d:\cd win98
d:\win98 format c: (Y)
| XP1600-m | ASUS AN78X Deluxe | r9700 pro | 2x512mb pc37000 |
Thank the lord for SUSAutomatic Sync Started- Wednesday, April 14, 2004 4:00:00 AM Successful
Updates Added:
Critical Update for Internet Explorer 6 Service Pack 1 (KB831167) - Q831167_20ec7fd945db866eb955a1f2dbd1db5.exe
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express 6 Service Pack 1 (KB837009) - OE6.0sp1-KB837009-x86-ENU_53c7328bc3225121977ae394f92def0.exe
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express 6 (KB837009) - Q837009_5a0166ddbe242c76aed9c7c4b595f9f.exe
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express for Windows Server 2003 (KB837009) - WindowsServer2003-KB837009-x86-ENU_6cf74530cae32275e112a93876da994.EXE
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB835732) - WindowsServer2003-KB835732-x86-ENU_9c2348f833ade0cca439ec6b2a92179.EXE
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB828741) - WindowsServer2003-KB828741-x86-ENU_1e3156bf5ec0354f542c38f309bab49.EXE
Security Update for Windows Server 2003 (KB837001) - WindowsServer2003-KB837001-x86-ENU_0a248bb59a71c52a288c837779ac98e.EXE
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB835732) - Windows2000-KB835732-x86-ENU_7b7d1dffd9347af2c166bfcecc4782c.EXE
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB828741) - Windows2000-KB828741-x86-ENU_8651572953540334210b68fd1850615.EXE
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB837001) - Windows2000-KB837001-x86-ENU_e38f2b397008bf8103ad649608fd9fe.EXE
Cumulative Security Update for Outlook Express 5.5 Service Pack 2 (KB837009) - Q837009_d8af3283d3794d98834b700342ef4eb.exe
Windows XP Driver for Realtek AC 97 Audio (KB833846) - ALCXWDM_8063e2d3ff8d54e653953b20184398a.EXE
Critical Update for IntelliType Pro and IntelliPoint on Windows XP (KB834840) - POINT32_3bc51bb61f22d2772646844da3ee9a5.EXE
Security Update for Windows XP (KB835732) - WindowsXP-KB835732-x86-ENU_8711f66c0f52e2c2cf51f871b1cecd7.EXE
Security Update for Windows XP (KB828741) - WindowsXP-KB828741-x86-ENU_e3c881b45ca67429e0769d2fda4e083.EXE
Security Update for Windows XP (KB837001) - WindowsXP-KB837001-x86-ENU_09e9d2c15ee5ee9323b210decd84941.EXE
Updates Removed:
Reissued Update(s):
Security Update, February 14, 2002 (Internet Explorer 6) - VBS56NEN_60DD81FED024143825A697259A3DFB0EB9F530F5.EXE
330994: April 2003, Security Update for Outlook Express 6 SP1 - q330994_257f5a9aeead109bc4c764ae1b5b00f.exe
330994: April 2003, Security Update for Outlook Express 5.5 Service Pack 2 - q330994_934feb402222e7c9759dc6ce1a77789.exe
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB822343) - WindowsMedia41-KB822343-ENU_78088fb54ed2636fc77d598bdd1e577.exe
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB824146) - Windows2000-KB824146-x86-ENU_dcf74565af2d26e87ef7cf974f03c30.exe
Security Update for Windows 2000 (KB824141) - Windows2000-KB824141-x86-ENU_68b974074fb746991a4d729f258b768.exe
811493: Security Update (Windows XP) - Q811493_WXP_SP2_x86_ENU_cd2c663a4e16c9040a568a6dabf6891.exe
Q815487: Critical update for Windows XP Media Center Edition - Q815487_WxP_SP2_i386_ENU_d04f3f0b1c2054a664aa9c274ededd3.exe
Security Update for Windows XP (KB824146) - WindowsXP-KB824146-x86-ENU_b957699c7365c462446bd552cd6d203.exe
Critical Update for Windows XP Media Center Edition 2004 (KB830786) - KB830786_WXP_MCE2_ENU_c512cb910f28d8b60515375195560b3.EXE
Critical Update for Microsoft Windows XP Media Center Edition Infrared Receiver (KB832418) - WindowsXP-KB832418-x86-enu_7f380619f4113b382546291911af7d1.exe
Detailed item description files (Read This First and End User License Agreement for all items) -
Had it, was tres nasty! Took the whole school network down for ages and screwed up this laptop hours before my uber important essay was due in...
It slows your computer to the point of collapse and disables all net connections, nasty
Our nice Dell precision workstations in the Archaeology dept went down with it today . IT is a bollocks of a worm. I am the only one in the class who knows anything about computers so i arrived in at 1 o'clock and everyone was screamin mad. They computers kept shutting down every 3 min or so. Slows the whole computer to virtually stopping point blocks all LAN printers etc. No one seemed to realise it was a worm.
Well of course i had the job of fixing them all (luckily only very small lab).
I was surprised, they should have been kept up to date being on the large college LAN but there you go.
Aaah the joy of being a computer genius in the eyes unknowing
My XP laptop at work kept getting hit, bloody IT clowns had disabled windows update on the PC - but decided not to bother keeping it up-to-date themseleves!! Had to change a few registry entries to re-enable windows update. Now updated
My college is a Dell/Windows shop (I have named the server room "Dell Central" for example.)
Network when down at 11 today due to a virus outbreak. I'm guessing we've been sassered.
Serves them right for not knowin how to secure a network. I bet the firewall is OK, but somehow some muppet will have brought it in.
thats the problem with the large networks - they assume that because of their 4 grand firewall they are safe.
What they forget is that open DHCP scope with a numpty bring his home laptop ( that he usually connects to BT ADSL via a USB modem - what firewall ! ) onto the system , thus bringing it to its knees.
Happen to a couple of clients of mine last year with blaster ( I was on holiday at the time )
my Virtualisation Blog Virtualisation Podcast
I was shovelling some photos from my home machine to my parents machine, and opened up the firewall for pasv mode... about 2 hours into the transfer, mcafee pops up and goes "aren't I clever... stopped the nasty worm"
Me likes mcafee, me likes my firewall (where scotty slaps self on wrist and says no more dmz for you me boy!) - me also likes the fact that I installed the patch many moons ago.
directhex - is it in your path, and are you running debian-xp?
My work has both a firewall, a proxy and a websense box - why I don't know, the IT department claim it stops these things - were all it actually does it annoy us and crash on a regular basis...
Luckily everyone in my office is reasonably tech savy, and all had the patch.
Now go away before I taunt you a second time.
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