I don't claim to know where how or why, but I think its fair to say something has gone horribly wrong in how unions behave and how they can morally effect behaviour of companies.
Whilst I doubt this disclosure will do anything to hinder my anonymity, I feel I should mention that on one side of my family there are strong connections to fairly active members the social reform, in the late 19th century and the co-operative movement of the 20th century. As such part of my upbringing always placed emphasis on the emergent traits of exploitation common in capitalist societies.
But something has gone quite terribly wrong. The Mill Towns where by there was only one employer, only one shop (owned by the sole employer) which forced a kind of servitude are completely gone.
No one has to work with only one employer, you aren't pigeon holed into a job for life, these circumstances have been solved by the modern working pratices.
Why have some failed to grasp this. We see people like Unite, still balloting to strike, give it up guys, you lost, you cost the company millions of pounds striking, only to then agree to the proposal that you hadn't read before striking.
Back in the day, it was quite common for an employer to continuously squeeze the staff, there was no alternative they couldn't go anywhere else. As such they could be taken to the breadline, so long as they were fit enough to work, that's good enough for the employer.
Now however with the emergence of the welfare state, free market economics, things are much different. No one has to work one specific job, for one employer. So when you see people like BA been effectively dictated to by workers, despite posting a 0.5bn loss, my blood boils. The fact that the union leaders dare to compare the plight of their members to that of those a hundred years ago is incredibly disrespectful.
Someone who is paid more than someone who does the same job as someone on a different airline, been asked, not to take a pay cut, but mearly work the same ratio. It is not remotely fair to the company.
People are naturally greedy, I don't blame them for that, but to be so incredibly stupid, to try and get money from an entity that is having to make deep cuts is just insane.
But it gets worse, now RMT are planning to strike because a company that effectively went bust (thanks to widely considered bullsh... contracts failing) are rather than saying "oh its good to have a new solvent employer" are going to effectively hold 2.5~M Londoners to ransom. If TFL hadn't bought them out, there would be no job, so now, by gaining leverage through inconviencing the public.
The thing is, at some point you have to say enough is enough, should someone be paid more because they band together in some kind of nepotistical cleek, or because they provide a valuable in demand skill?
And as for the likes of Unite who claim to have their members interests at heart, how come my legal insurance costs me around £5, per year, when your dues are considerably more, so much more that you've got plenty of money to donate to political parties..... That isn't value for money to your members, the modern free market will do a more comprehensive, more efficient task of that obviously.
end rant.