This morning started badly, drove 15mins to work only to forget I left my security card at home, so turned round in view of the gate to drive home & pick it up. Got back to work 20mins later only to be sent home due to a power cut! No complaints there!
Got home went for a hair cut, managed to block my new debit card, I thought it was the same pin as the one I lost, when i called them they said the 'new' pin was sent out yesterday! doh. Second debit card didn't work, been so long since I used to I couldn't remember the pin! Two blocked cards. Go for my 3rd debit card...and I can't find it! Three cancelled cards.
Ho hum, got some cash so got hair cut, went to post office to pick up a few packages I have treated myself too over the last week. Opening all 4 of them reveals they are _all_ either damaged or have bits missing!
I am not having a good day today! Not having from a girl I like for a few days is only going to make the day end worse I fear!!
Someone please make me feel better by saying they had a terrible day as well, misery loves friends!