Officially at work I'm "just" a Web Developer, but part of the role means I'm also "webmaster" for several websites, including one that publishes National Statistics and performance information for a sector of health care.
Part of the data we publish is a set of spreadsheets that assist NHS managers to work out what provision they need to provide in the coming year. It's a critically important task as it will partly determine budgeting etc. - you want to get it right, basically. The spreadsheets that feed into this process make heavy use of Excel Macros and VB (we don't write them, we only stick them on the website ) which means you have to save a local copy before working on them: if you open them directly in IE then some of the macros will inevitably fail.
Every couple of weeks, I will inevitably receive an email to webmaster complaining that the spreadsheets are giving a macro error, and usually all it takes is a gentle reminder to download the spreadsheet before opening it (it only says that in bold at the top of every page that has spreadsheets on it ). Today, I've had to email someone three frakking times before they finally downloaded the spreadsheet. Three TIMES! And then he mailed me to say "Wow! It worked when I did what you told me to!"
What do you do with these people? And what's your worst experience of trying to help someone and them simply not getting it?