Quote Originally Posted by Agent View Post
We are all ears if you have any suggestions
But we have been through *many* revisions of the layout, and this one does seem to be the best all-rounder
Well my humble opinion would be the more simple the better.

Perhaps the easiest step would be more descriptive names, I can understand why the naming scheme exists as its an attempt to fit in with the naming scheme used all over the site(s) I suspect decided by Dave (Xev) which isnt a bad thing. But it does cause confusion here in the forum enviroment (imo) as a first impression.

Forums need to be simple, welcoming and inviting to attract larger audiences, I know OCUK is a dirty word alot around here but their forum is very nicely laid out even if it is admin'd by a bunch of teenage muppets now.

The Hexus forum looks busy everywhere on the surface, but scratch it and you see threads sitting around for a LONG time in some sections, it boils down to (sub)forums being too segregated.

The shop related and support forums are fantastic giving Hexus users a support angle pretty much unseen anywhere else. But the hardware and life forums need to pushed together under more all encompassing and obvious titles. For one thing it'd make the mods/admins jobs easier (less shifting around of threads in the wrong places at least). As well as make the forum far more inviting for old and new alike.

An unbiased enviroment built off the back of good quality Hardware and Software reviews based (mainly) from the UK is a gem that just needs a bit of polishing.