(Let's pretend the moon is matching the exact rotation of Earth for a minute, because otherwise the chain would just spiral around the Earth).
Could you theoretically pull them together with ease considering they are simply objects in space? Or would the entire mass/gravity thing play a role in it? Because otherwise the gravitational pull of the Earth-end of the chain would pull the moon, as the whole 'weightless object regardless of size' theory would come into play.
Also if we come back to reality and the whole rotation thing is back, when the moon rotates around the Earth and ties the chain around the Earth like a string around a ball (since the Moon rotates around the Earth ofc), would they slowly come closer together until they collide as the chain length runs out? Or would they alter each other's spin, like as if the Earth's spinning power is greater than the moons, so the moon is forced to stop spinning under force?
lol I just had the thought one day and I'm not entirely sure how it would work out.