Hey all,
I asked this in another thread but no replies - maybe no-one knows as yet?
Anyway - nVidia cards now have the option for Physx support, right? And nVidia are about to release drivers to enable that function, apparently.
So where does that leave ATi owners?
Is there a way that physx can be supported in the HD4000 series?
Surely it would just not make sense and would put developers in a dilemma as to whether to make a card supported by nVidia or ATi?
I know this happens to an extent already, but surely something as potentially game-making or breaking as GPU supported physx would need to be available to all customers for a developer to write it into their games?
It'd be like the old Spectrum/Atari/Commodore/Acorn days - you know, a game works on one, but not on the others. Okay, it won't be that drastic - but near enough.