As per title, been playing the beta and im sure its a combination of my god like e8400 showing its age along with my gtx460 just showing it is a budget card . I can play metro the rush map (mostly like cod/bc2 style) with like 40fps but thats on medium and the minimum is still like 20/25 which is to low really. However the real kicker is the fact i got onto Caspian borders map (bf2 style!) and well i get a max fps of 40 but it drops to as low as 5fps (on low its 10fps lol!) but it drops to frequently like its never staying near 40 and my average is probably 20fps which is almost unplayable.
Now im not sure how much drivers and dice program efficiency will improve by the time of release next month so i thought best to look now as a potential solution if fps is still poor when i get it. Ideally i was aiming to wait for the new AMD 7000 release as their high end side seems to be using the xdr2 ram which should give a very big boost, and i presume they will come out like £250+ so want to save most of my budget for that later on (spending £750 on new cpu/motherboard/ram/gpu, getting cpu and that when BD is out so can compare with SB).
What is the most cost effective solution to improving fps? Ive overclocked the card and its given like 3fps more, my motherboard is SLI compatible so getting a second 460 would be an option and i presume that would tie me over till new gpu's and i would only take a hit of like £50 since they are <£100 to buy at the minute. However is there a better alternative? Sell my current 460 and get xx card?
Any help is appreciated as i really want to play bf3 on good settings when its out!