I installed an ASUS GeForce7600GSTOP512 PCI-e in my system yesterday.
It was packaged with the drivers.
I have a couple of questions.
1 Every time I boot up a task bar message (from the nVidia CP) tells me that SLi is disabled.
I know it's disabled (I only have 1 screen) and I don't want this message to show again. How do I prevent it?
2 I updated the drivers (on recommendation from tech support for a particular game) to after which my USB-TV and any Mpeg video stopped displaying properly, so I rolled back to - I have learnt that the 8.4.*.* drivers can cause overheating problems and I have been advised that the game in question (Caesar IV - don't ask - it's the wife's) doesn't particularly like this driver.........so anyone know a better driver that works properly on this card with Mpeg playback?