I’ve been trying to find a way to eliminate the bothersome tearing effect when playing old 2D Direct Draw games full screen in WinXP.
My setup:
C2D 6600 @ 2.4GHZ
GeForce 7950 GT 512MB
2GB DDR-2 Kingston HyperX 800MHZ
WinXP PRO SP-2 English
Nvidia Drivers ForceWare Release 163.75
Eizo 1931 TFT 19” @ 1280x1025 60HZ (specifically 59.9HZ)
So far I tried RivaTuner v2.06 (from guru3d.com).
In the Direct Darw & Direct 3D settings, I enabled Vsync but with no effect! The tearing still persisted in Dire3ct Draw 2D games; only in Direct 3D games the tearing effect eliminated.
I then tried D3D Overider (Included with Riva Tuner) and forced Triple Buffering & Vsync in Direct Draw, but alas it still had no impact in 2D Direct Draw games and the tearing still persisted.
The Nvidia Drivers ForceWare Release 163.75 allows enabling Vsync & Tripling buffering, but only for OpenGL games & Apps, not Direct Draw 2D games.
So, is there any other way to eliminate the tearing effect in 2D games & Direct Draw in WinXP?
Thanks in advance.