Hey all, I just got a GA-MA69G-S3H with a 4200+ and 2 x corsair xms2 667 4-4-4-12 (2.0v).
Having stuck it in, presumably because of the mobo's default support only for 1.8v ram, it loosens all the settings to 5-5-5-18, so my first question would be which of these lot should i change to get 4-4-4-12. there's quite a few other options there... I think it's cas latency, ras to cas r/w delay, row perchance time and min ras active time. but, see my second question...
second thing is, memtest86. when running it either at default settings or tweaked to the above to try and get 4-4-4-12, it says either 5-5-5-18 or 4-5-5-18 (tweaked). is there a problem with it reporting timings correctly? also, it gives the speed as 367MHz (DDR735) which suggests it's set to DDR800 in bios, but it's at 667. when changing to DDR533 in bios it reports this correctly. afaik cpu is set correctly but i'm not too sure what's used to calculate ram speed in the bios these days.
and then the biggest problem is, on test 2 at 20% it just starts increasing the error count and dont stop, and the program seems to freeze with a reboot needed to exit. so either one of the ram settings are wrong, previous wrong settings messed up the ram, ram's in the wrong slots or one/both of the ram are bad, though i have no way of testing the latter...
edit: this is the error i'm getting on memtest, with 1 stick set to 533 / 5-5-5-18. and i'm also using 256mb assigned to onboard video; nothing to do with that is it?
edit 2: ok memtest 1.70 passed with no errors, so now i'm only worried about the weird timings reported by it:
set to 667 in bios:
set to 533 in bios:
what's with the 4-5-5-18 and DDR735 when it should be 4-4-4-12 and 667?