I have recently purchased a second hand ECS RS482-M Motherboard from a EBAY Seller and my problem is this :-
I dont have any output from the onboard VGA port. My Power Supply is the ATX Verision 1.0 500 Watt and it has a 20 Pin Connector and a small 4 Pin Connector (This power supply works OK in my other PC which uses a 20 Pin Power Connector). I have plugged the 20 Pin connector into the 24 Pin Power Socket on the board but not the small 4 pin connector as I am not sure if the pin outs are correct. When I turn the PC on the fan starts up but the amber light on my monitor which is a Compaq 17" CRT Monitor (This works OK on my other PCs) does not go green and does not switch on thus I dont get any boot up screen.
I have read somewhere on the internet that my power suppply mat not have a PWR_OK connector on my power supplu which if i have read it correctly means theat the motherboard is always in reset mode.
What can I do to get a display on my monitor?
Hope you can help me or send me amy inforation you may have to solve my problem
Wayne Aston