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Thread: "unstiching" sony vaio vgn-a217s

  1. #1
    daft ideas inc. scottyman's Avatar
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    Question "unstiching" sony vaio vgn-a217s

    hey guys - I need to whack the hard drive out of a failed vgn-a217s laptop, I've removed all of the screws, but there's a couple of connectors on the top panel holding it together.

    Any idea where I'd find a service manual for it (for free)
    I'm trying to recover the data for a client before the insurance company disposes of it and replaces it.

    very odd - it seems to be the hardest of any laptop I've seen to take it apart without damage. I can even see the hdd, but it's beneath the touchpad interface which is screwed in place.

    it's not even encased in a protective sleeve which is INSANE, so I'm concerned that it's been water damaged.

  2. #2
    daft ideas inc. scottyman's Avatar
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    ...update... oh you'll laugh...

    37 screws to unseat the back

    unclip keyboard

    unscrew top part of machine

    remove 4 more screws to get mem stick pro interface board out of the way
    3 more screws to get drive out.

    the hard drive sits in a "sump" where all fluids will naturally pool.

    have taken 70-odd gb worth of data off the drive before meltdown

    new drive delivered today - just about to take the sodding unit apart again to replace the drive.

    I'm probably going to tell my client that we'll claim a replacement on insurance anyway, as if I see one more sodding sony laptop screw - I'll throw the sodding thing out the window.

    Another point.
    Why on earth would you use 8 different size screws, with three different thread spacings?
    Fine - can understand one for drive compatibility, another to hold the actual chassis together - but when you've got 3 different screw lengths to hold bits onto the chassis there's clearly a design flaw somewhere!

    It's the first laptop I've repaired in years where it takes more than 2 screws to remove a HDD from the chassis.

    I might sue sony for rsi from trial and error getting the screws in and out.


  3. #3
    Senior Member kushtibari's Avatar
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    Yep, just done one similar model here as well - really pleased that we only had two screws left over when it got put back together. Shame keyboard doesn't work though....

    The only reason I can see for all the hassle is that Sony (having already taken you for a grand or so) want to make a mint on any repair/servicing jobs.

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