Read more.It’s a very lucky number to Chinese.
Read more.It’s a very lucky number to Chinese.
nice hexus you should definitively design all there logos
Just struck me that all but one of those logos is symmetrical around a horizontal line drawn through middle.
I particularly like the one top-right - thinking that it could be the basis of a neat boot animation, with the XBox "ball" as a sun rising and bringing with it the "XBOX8" name - a bit like the old Thames TV ident.
I would call the new version just XBOX, applesque as with the new iPad.
It will probably be the last console of its kind before the likes of OnLive take over so lets just immortalise its name in it's pure and simple form.
"The Xbox 8 logo won't look like any of these"
Well it would make the naming/brand more simplistic instead of 720 and with more future releases the numbers branding could get into the 1000's lol.
My only issue would be that this would actually only be the Xbox 3 but who cares the system should be a beast for console gamers.
The problem with that is the same as the iPad - e.g. I overheard a genuine conversation in PC World where some poor punter was asking the salesperson for this year's iPad, and had to refer to it as "the new, 'new iPad'" which is a bit ridiculous - what would have been wrong with "iPad3". Similarly, I like "XBox 8" a heck of a lot more than plain "XBox"
Not sure about OnLive taking over - sure it looks like a good idea in theory - but I forsee a couple of difficulties not least of which being the state of the UK's broadband provision. Plus - and this is more crucial to me - it seems to play right into the hands of the evil publishers, who presumably would love "pay-per-play".
Just as long as it's half-decent (good processing power and graphics), and lets me play my old XBox360 titles, then they can call it what they want - heck, paint it bright pink and call it "Daphne" for all I care.
I hope not coz thats just silly for a 3rd generation.
I reckon it's probably more to do with the interaction of windows 8 stuff to the xbox environment rather than the name of the next xbox
Could they not incorporate the number 8 into the xbox ball?
They come from the dark and slice your head off
So if the Xbox brand manages to get to its 8th iteration...what then?
They come from the dark and slice your head off
I don't see consoles dying anytime soon especially not in countries where slow ADSL plagues most of the nation. It has already been said that these services require a very decent internet connection (10Mb dedicated) to produce the best graphics possible. Fat chance of that when you are in the center of the city on non-fiber lines. Wait for FTTP to really take off then the UK has a chance with these gaming on demand services. For now I'm staying safe with my 360 and maybe in the future the new Xbox.
If it's that long I probably won't care, since I'll either be dead or looking to score a copy of "Grand Theft Zimmer".
Actually there's a thought - since PC/console gaming took off in the 80's, then surely that means that there'll be more and more OAP gamers coming along. In which case are games publishers going to start to address that hereto untapped market?
Back to my tea and digestives...
Wouldn't that make it the "Magic 8 Ball" then?
I'm just waiting for Sony to come along and say:
Oh yea, well... well, we're releasing the PlayStation 10000...
Currently studying: Electronic Engineering and Artificial Intelligence at the University of Southampton.
Quiet day at the Hexus offices then?!
Must have taken most of the morning to thrash out those speculated images!
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