Read more.Quite a lot of PC hardware can be bought for a single coin, as 1BTC = £498 (today).
Read more.Quite a lot of PC hardware can be bought for a single coin, as 1BTC = £498 (today).
Now it's time to start mining! XD
Innovative move though i am not ready yet to be paid in Bitcoins yet ;-)
Not that i would object to being paid the equivalent of 2 Bitcoins a week. :-)
This is fantastic news, will definitely be making use of this when I build my next machine / upgrade my current one.
Kind of tempted with a 290 or 290X to upgrade from my 7950
That's very cool scan, was wondering who the first would be.
I still can't quite grasp the concept of Bitcoins. Somehow you're supposed to waste a lot of power on generating this virtual currency, which apparently you can now trade for real goods. It boggles the mind.
Think of it like gold, you waste loads of energy trying to find it and get it out of the ground, then what does it do? It sits there being useless (except for anti-corrosion purposes, and jewelry but whatever), its only value is that people want it because it does nothing and is hard to get out of the ground, and that's bitcoin in a nutshell
Last edited by CampGareth; 07-02-2014 at 10:28 AM. Reason: it's -> its
Problem is without specialise hardware it will cost me more than £500 to mine a bit coin.
I do wish I setup mining when it started, there is a few stories of those who made millions mining on pentiums!
It sounds cool and it's nice to see Scan leading the way... but I also hear stories of people's Bitcoins being nicked and stories of people spending more money on doing the mining than they make back. Plus if it were that good, a lot more people and corporations would be doing it, surely?
I'm just annoyed because I was in the market for a 7970 and they've suddenly leapt up in price
Wow, this is big news! Awesome, way to go Scan.
It depends on the definition of "waste" - as all the energy consumed ends up as heat (the majority in the computer generating the coins) so you are heating up your immediate environment, so in theory that could reduce any other heating bill and generate a virtual if somewhat volatile currency.
Gold has value in terms of it's properties, corrosion resistance is one, electrical and thermal conductivity is another, and high malleability is another, making it vital for many industrial processes, including electronic component/device manufacture. It is also very shiny
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My broadband speed - 750 Meganibbles/minute
pmslOriginally Posted by Saracen
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