Read more.Smartphones have made us dull, apparently.
Read more.Smartphones have made us dull, apparently.
Easily. I used to give up phone and have sporadic internet access (check my post history for the massive gaps) for months and months at a time with no feeling of loss.
I like disconnecting but wouldn't work with the current girlfriend, she moans when I don't reply to her messages within minutes.
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I would like to think the answer is yes but worry that it may be a no!
I rarely use the phone for comms, games or internet and more like a PDA anyway. I only recently got a 'smartphone', having preferred actual PDA phones usually running Windows Mobile 5.5.
If I was without a phone, I'd just carry pen, paper and a novel or two.
However, I think it's the rest of the world who couldn't cope with me not having one!!
yes although I would miss playing boom beach
YES , YES YES--just divert all calls to my wife's phone
No, I often use my phone when I am too weak to sit at my PC. Not sure why I bother with a data contract though as I am seldom out of range of my Wi-Fi.
This QOTW could almost have been written to provoke the entirely predictable response from me.
Could I give up my mobile phone for a week? I not only could, but MOST weeks I either don't even power it up, or do, but neither make nor receive any calls.
Erm .... ahem ....You have to go a long way to find people who don't own or use a mobile phone on a daily basis.
/raises hand ....
Not that far, really. Though I guess I own one. But 'daily use'? Nope. Monthly use? Sometimes. But not every month.
Into your life, perhaps. Into many people's lives, especially the young (er). But among my friends, and generation, I 'd struggle to find many that use those at all, never mind have them 'woven' into their lives. My brief foray into Facebook, with fake detsils, lasted about 10 mins before I did 'delete account'. I've never felt the need for Instagram, though I xan see the point, and Twitter .... oh please, if I ever get an account, someone please shoot me.... The technology is seemingly woven into our everyday lives, and applications such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter feed the need to use the phone for more than just talking or texting.
Funny that, because to me, with limited exceptions, it feels more like an anchor than a phone.Indeed I feel 'naked' if the phone isn't in one of my pockets.
Yes, sometimes a phone is very useful. Urgent calls, roadside breakdowns, etc.
Trouble is, it doesn't just get used by other people for calls that are urgent by MY definition, but by every whim that crosses their mind. I absolutely DO NOT want to be contactable 24/7, when someone else gets the urge to pester me. I don't want social chit-chat when I'm out shopping, or in a restaurant, or visiting friends, unless it's genuinely urgent. Well, important AND urgent, actually. If it's not both, wait 'til I'm home, or drop me an email. But being at everybody's beck and call, whenever they feel like it, it emphatically not my idea of a useful device.
So .... VERY few people have my mobile phone number. Very few indeed. And about 90% of my use of it is so the wife, or close family, can get me if it's urgent, and they know better than to use it for trivial things.
Could I give it up for a week? It wouldn't take much to convince me to give it up permanently. I only really carry the anchor around with me for VERY occasional use, and to be got in an emergency. But for that, I'd probably already have dumped it in a bin.
I bought my current phone Samsung e2120 back in January 2011, put £10 credit on it.
did a phonecall a week ago and it took me down to 50p left. so £9.50 in 4 years
so, could I give up my phone for a week? well.. it may be a bit tricky for me, but I'm sure I can manage.
Yes, I definitely could. I actually dislike having the thing in the first place.
Just about, but I would be heavily reliant on my tablet.
If I didn't have a job, sure. Alas, I'm "on call" 24/7 for certain things, as unlikely as being called is. Best I can do is when I'm on holiday, in which case it's a morning and an evening check, to see if anything exploded when I wasn't looking.
Yup I sure can as I DON'T OWN ONE hehehe so I win
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