Read more.And you can play Overwatch for free on PC, Xbox One or PS4 from today until Tuesday.
Read more.And you can play Overwatch for free on PC, Xbox One or PS4 from today until Tuesday.
Biscuit it's competitive play only, not the full game. It messes up a lot of matches apparently.
I've never tried the game myself, or did for like 5mins when in beta. Might give it a whirl this weekend.
Last edited by peterb; 22-09-2017 at 05:59 PM. Reason: Language/swear filter
Speaking from experience, it can hard for the game to be a bit of fun with some of the people who play it with you. I've only ever played quickplay, where games mean nothing (Blizzard recently removed the losses statistic for QP entirely so there's no visible metric for skill in QP at all) and yet people flame each other quite often. I have voice comms globally muted too, so I must be missing a lot of salty comments.
The worst offenders really do suck fun out of this game, like they do in every multiplayer game out there. Blizzard's goal is to repress negative behaviour by making it more difficult to be negative, which won't work but at least they care about toxicity levels. Competitive mode players do sort of deserve protection from long-term toxic types who have fun by ruining other people's.
IMO, this would be draconian if it were a single strike with evidence = account ban situation, but it isn't, and even banned players will get QP (which some of us prefer anyway..). In an age where people just go back, buy new accounts, then smurf, (usually resuming any toxic behaviour they had before) it might not be draconian enough.
WTF (Behaviour such as leaving early or being kicked for inactivity during a match will lead to restrictions on future competitive matches)
Look like this game will be going down the toilet real fast if there going to be do this kind carp.
I've never played the game, but this sounds reasonable to me regarding competitive play.
Although I would hope that for the leaving early/inactivity part it would detect internet connections behaving poorly rather than it instantly thinking that it is intentional on the part of the player and punishing them.
Last edited by Output; 22-09-2017 at 05:11 PM. Reason: Typo
Half dev, Half doge. Some say DevDoge
Feel free to message me if you find any bugs or have any suggestions.
If you need me urgently, PM me
If something is/was broke it was probably me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Last edited by Output; 22-09-2017 at 10:55 PM. Reason: Typo
Ideally the inactivity/leaving a game would be for repeat behaviour rather than the odd match. Sometimes stuff happens and 3 left games does seem pretty harsh that will probably happen to some people within their lifetime. Other than that, competitive games really are a cesspit of behaviour. It's quite ironic the anti social behaviour in team games.
I think it is awesome that some of them game companies pick up the glove and nope it is not picking the fun out of the games going hardcore on cheaters for online games, it is about time, the fun is to be able to competete on a fair play ground and alot of game companies could learn from that eg, anything EA based, what people do in singleplayer they can do whatever there, but when encounting player vs player enviroments then gtfo if want to cheat and also if got to do that then one is really not having any fun at all.
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