Read more.And EA/DICE has issued a real time raytracing DXR enabling patch for Battlefield V.
Read more.And EA/DICE has issued a real time raytracing DXR enabling patch for Battlefield V.
Worth a look. Battlefield V: Official GeForce RTX Behind The Scenes Video.
Will definitely be buying the remasters, EA have said there will be no micro-transactions, keep your word EA!
Those results for BFV may not be entirely accurate. There are some bugs and optimisation issues, there has been talk that changing graphics settings may not be attaching to the game properly especially when changing between them. Note how DXR on high has fewer frames than DXR on ultra for the 2080. Over on reddit there is a lot of conflicting accounts on how the game is running, some are saying it runs like a dog with RTX on, others are saying they are getting better results than these initial benchmarks, so colour me confused.
I am not convinced BFV in this state is a good example of how RTX is going to play out in the future, but only time will tell.
C&C remasters with some of the original Westwood devs? Yes please
Raytracing in BFV is also pretty amazing. Last night I played a round of Rotterdam with "normal" reflections, and then flipped on DXR and played the same map what a difference! It's night and day - it really brings the world to life and looks as good as the press videos.
I found a nice alleyway with intact shop windows and some still water on the floor...and stood there firing rockets down the alley to watch the reflections was beautiful
Sadly it does hit performance quite hard. running a few comparisons and with my spec...
RTX2080 (not a TI)
i7 6700K
16gb ram
BFV on an SSD
Conquest game on rotterdam in each case:
1440p, DX12 on, all settings on ultra - 120-130FPS
1440p, DX12 on, all settings on ultra, DXR on Ultra - 40-50fps (!!)
1440p, DX12 on, all settings on ultra, DXR on "LOW" - 60-70fps
So it does have a huge impact on performance at the moment unfortunately. Not enough to stop me leaving it on now though. The biggest difference between "low" and "ultra" is in the detail of the reflections shown - but in a fast moving game like BFV it doesn't make a big difference visually - you still get the effect and the benefits.
The tech has a way to go but it really is amazing to see in person its a huge leap forward in graphics tech.
I found that low tended to only cause reflections in the puddles and on glass etc, whereas the ultra setting tended to illuminate glossy and matt surfaces much better as well as causing reflections on my weapon.
I'm glad you agree with me though, many are slating it as an "is that it" technology but I thought it added so much to the overall graphical feel; a true massive step toward where graphics need to be heading.
Err, good job whomever pulled that benchmark together. You left off two of the most popular GPUs... 1070 and 1080, yet included two of the least popular (at this point) the 1060 and 970, and GPUs that are grossly overpriced. lol.
Ugh. Who cares about another COD.. BF... whatever aimbotting hacker-heaven they're releasing now. The article is about C&C remaster... get BF crap out of here!
Could be interesting.
But I do wonder how long this will take?
Live long and prosper.
Excellent news. Bought 8 Bit Armies, the other day. Really does recapture the feeling of the old Command and Conquers. Immensely playable fun.
Hopefully the C&C remasters will have online play that facilitates saving, would be great to play with my friends online but we're all getting older with less spare time
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