Read more.In case you don't know of this firm, it is a Toronto based AI chip startup.
Read more.In case you don't know of this firm, it is a Toronto based AI chip startup.
Definitely a positive review from someone such as Jim Keller. Considering most things he touches and is involved with become great, very interested in where TensTorrent are going.
Skylab is getting closer folks. Corvid will be screwed.
ik9000 (07-01-2021)
"a leading-edge AI chip that mimics the way the human brain works", what an overstatement!
Which human brain though? The ones that can ponder the physics of a black hole and sub atomic particles in n dimensional space, or the ones who believe conspiracy theories regarding 5G, lizard people and think storming Congress is a good and necessary action? Not everything that comes out of the human brain is a good thing to want to have technology to mimic. On the upside it will mean the machines will be flawed so well have a chance when the uprising occurs!
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