"In a perfect world... spammers would get caught, go to jail, and share a cell with many men who have enlarged their penises, taken Viagra and are looking for a new relationship."
Was hoping to upgrade from i7 9700k to latest Ryzen but putting off until these issues are sorted...
Never had this issue on my MPG x570 Gaming Edge fortunately. Running smoothly since I put a 3800x in last summer.
Gigabyte X570 here and again never had an issue with USB, even over several BIOS updates. Nice to see them reaching out to the community to resolve issues, even if it is reddit.
Have had nothing but trouble with the 2.5Gb NIC though, the intel one works fine though.
I have strange issues with my 5800x B550, crashing, no BSOD, just restarts, after days of looking at it I'm quite sure it's the CPU power curve....(set it to fixed voltage and clock it's 100% stable) so there's things to be ironed out still... not had the usb issues lately too, could be related maybe.
I had a 2600X that did that. In Windows it would just occasionally restart, but in Linux the system logs were full of processor single bit fault recoveries in one of the cores. Double bit faults can't be recovered, so the CPU resets. I sent it back, an occasional bit flip happens which is why CPUs can correct them, but constant errors is a fault.
It might be worth firing up a live Linux distro on a USB stick, and looking in /var/log/messages (or /var/log/syslog on some) and google any scary looking errors.
Annoying that Microsoft hide this stuff from you on the desktop operating systems.
Duckboy79 (03-03-2021)
I'll have a look into that thanks.
Weirdly today I thought I would check for a bios update, then thought I would try the first bios that supported this 5800x, flashed it, now all seems good! no more crashing on stock settings, it seems any newer bios is unstable for some reason
AMD has confirmed that AGESA update is on the way to fix intermittent USB connectivity.
"We would like to thank the community here on r/AMD for its assistance with logs and reports as we investigated the intermittent USB connectivity you highlighted. With your help, we believe we have isolated the root cause and developed a solution that addresses a range of reported symptoms, including (but not limited to): USB port dropout, USB 2.0 audio crackling (e.g. DAC/AMP combos), and USB/PCIe Gen 4 exclusion.
AMD has prepared AGESA to deploy this update, and we plan to distribute to our motherboard partners for integration in about a week. Customers can expect downloadable BIOSes containing AGESA to begin with beta updates in early April. The exact update schedule for your system will depend on the test and implementation schedule for your vendor and specific motherboard model. If you continue to experience intermittent USB connectivity issues after updating your system to AGESA, we encourage you to download the standalone AMD Bug Report Tool and open a ticket with AMD Customer Support."
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