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Thread: Snails are faster than ADSL

  1. #1
    HEXUS webmaster Steve's Avatar
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    Snails are faster than ADSL

    This is a topic that doesn't come up enough. Biological data carriers can transport information at data rates far greater than that which we put up with now. Take snails as an example, which have been proven to transport data at up to 37Mbps. Similarly, pigeons can transport at 2.2Mbps. There are issues to consider, however.
    Motivation: Since the snail proper is committed neither scientifically nor professionally to the advancement of data communications techniques, we had to contrive a way to entice it to get moving. After consulting the literature on utility theory and economic mechanism design, we proceeded to augment the platform with a unique incentive mechanism based on a fresh leaf of Lactuca Sativa, also known as iceberg lettuce, hereafter referred to as LGS (Lettuce-based Guidance Sub-system.)
    I suggest you read more of scientific innovator Ami Ben-Bassat's blog if you're intrigued.
    PHP Code:
    $s = new signature();
    $s->sarcasm()->intellect()->font('Courier New')->display(); 

  2. #2
    OMG!! PWND!!
    Join Date
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    Time to upgrade then... Though, I think my ping in CS:S would go up a bit?

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