With E3 kicking off soon, everyone is scrambling to get screens or demo code out the door to show off to the world's press... so we've been innundated with screens and info today.
First off we've got the sequel to one of my faves, Serious Sam... imaginatively titled, Serious Sam 2... but it looks as though they've spent their creative juices on the game rather than the title, which is cool by me.
Check out the full story here.
Next up is Hellgate: London, a new FPS with an RPG tacked, or more rather, an RPG played from a FPS viewpoint... which sounds interesting.
Check out the full gen on our first glimpse of Hellgate: London here.
And to round off this round up is GT:Legends. From the same guys who brought us the superb GTR, GT: Legends features over 90 classic cars, from the Italian Job Mini Coopers to the pre-chav Capri!
Slide your vinyl roof over to here to have a look at what's coming from SimBin later this year.