I've have been suffering with an unstable ADSL connection for years; max i get is 0.5mbps and i pay £40 a month for it via a special ISP that specialises in rural/long line connection (BT could not even get it working). Even then i get frequent outages.
I never even considered 3G as i thought it would not work in such a rural country location and i thought only O2 worked here (not great and no 3G). I also assumed speeds were poor and pings (latency) made it not much fun as a full-time connection. But i took a punt and got a Three 3G USB dongle on monday. To my utter amazement, it not only works, it works far better than i could have hoped...
I'm using the dongle with a Zoom wireless 3G router so i can connect all my devices and have it in a window upstairs for best signal.
So i am thinking of ditching my crappy ADSL. Only thing i'm worried about is data caps and running up a huge bill. Three's 15GB's for £15 seem like an ok deal, but not sure if thats enough. I dont think they do better bundles and as far as i can tell if i do use more then i would have to by a second dongle/contract.
So does anyone else use 3G as their main home broadband and who do people find it? Anything to watch out for? Any tips?