I've recently built a NAS server in the upstairs bedroom. I've got a Raspberry Pi in the other bedroom, running OpenELEC/xbmc, and downstairs is my main PC which is wired to the Virgin hub.
All three are connected via TP-Link gigabit homeplugs but, as I understand it, the superhub is doing all of the routing via the TP-Link connected to port 4 of the superhub.
So, if I'm watching an HD film (mkv/avi etc) the data's coming from the NAS, routed via the superhub back upstairs to the Raspberry Pi.
I get pretty crappy speeds when copying files from downstairs onto the NAS (about 8MB/s), so I'm not sure if this is the old house's wiring or a bottleneck in the router.
Has anyone replaced their Virgin superhub with a third party, more advanced, one? If so, will it handle my login credentials to Virgin so that I've still got my cable Internet?