Hiya Guys,

For xmas i had a wireless access point which i have set-up on the network and i have bought this adapter my friend has the exact same WAP but he can take is into the garden and get it to connect, i cant take mine 20 meters and it will disconnect. I have got it to work it had excellent strength it disconnected i put it back in that place and it wont pick it up now.

Their are some notes in teh intructions that came with the WAP that iam not quite sure what they mean. This is what they say.

Note: In order for all other wireless devices to communicate with the access point, those devices must be operating in infastructure mode. If any wireless devices are configure in ad-hoc mode, they WILL NOT be recognised by the access point.
Does anyone have any tips or advice that i could try.

- Thankyou